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CONSPIRACY THEORY: Beyonce is a member of the Illuminati

There’s no doubt that Beyonce Knowles is powerful. A talented actress, singer, dancer, and artist; she is a force to be reckoned with. A notable aspect of her fame is the influence she seems to hold. Not only does she have a devoted fanbase, but her music has been cited as highly inspirational for celebrities such as Adele, Anna Kendrick, Lin Manuel Miranda, Grimes, Drake, Kerry Washington, Rhianna, and even Obama. However, there are many who think there is a sinister secret to her influence. While conspiracy theories about her abound, one of the most wild is that she and her husband Jay-Z are members of a secret society; the Illuminati.

The popular theory is that Jay-Z is the one that recruited Beyonce while they were dating, and that the Illuminati is the source of their fame and influence. After all, Jay-Z's signature hand symbol is forming a triangle; which Beyonce

started doing as well. Could Jay-Z’s symbol be not a triangle but a diamond, in reference to Roc Nation? Is Beyonce only doing it to support her husband? Apparently not. The two of them are said to be, not only members of, but leaders of the masonic society. Additionally, the couple’s daughter is involved in their society as well. Blue Ivy is an acronym, one that stands for “Born Living Under Evil, Illuminati’s Very Youngest”. How this was decoded, the world will never know, but because it’s widely agreed upon by a bunch of people on the internet it must be true. Right? Blue Ivy is not the only one associated with the masonic schemes, however. Sir and Rumi, Beyonce’s twins, were announced on February 1st, 2017. This is significant because the Illuminati have an obsession with prime numbers. In short, Beyonce’s entire career is just a way to brainwash the nation; with catchy songs and fun dance moves.

So where is the proof for this theory? Most of it lies in the messages of Beyonce’s music. Her 2011 song “Girls”, for instance, is not pushing a girl power agenda, but is hinting at elite leaders who “run the world”. While her 2008 song “Single Ladies” doesn’t have any overt pieces of evidence in

it; theorists claim that when played backwards, it contains brainwashing messages such as "the

world will bow to me". Beyonce also utilizes a lot of ‘symbolic’ imagery in her music videos and performances which seems to be evidence as well. For instance, her gold goddess outfit from the 2017 Grammys is a reference to her supreme position. In the music video “Apesh*t”, the choice to have exactly 13 dancers is not

mere coincidence. Neither is the choice to open with a picture of a fallen angel, who could possibly be Lucifer. A recurring theme in her music video is also her with a league of women, potentially her followers. At the end of the day though, all of these “symbols” are pure speculation, and there is not any concrete evidence for any of it.

Almost all celebrities have a conspiracy theory or two to their name, and many of them are supposedly associated with the illuminati. Like the others, Beyonce is just another case of people seeing what they want to see and throwing around crazy ideas. Most of the so called pieces of ‘evidence’ are just pure coincidence. Maybe the lights did go off at the Superbowl, it probably has nothing to do with Beyonce throwing the Roc Nation symbol during the halftime show. Maybe the name Blue Ivy is unique, but what celebrity hasn’t named their child something out of the ordinary? The chances that it stands for something are slim to none. The claims are ridiculous, if also a little insulting. Why is it so hard to believe that Beyonce didn’t just work hard to achieve her status? Needless to say, when it comes to how seriously these claims should be taken, Beyonce says it perfectly: “Y’all haters corny with that Illuminati mess”.

Works Cited

Ben Davis. "Art History or the Illuminati? What Beyonce and Jay-Z Are Really Up to With Their Viral New Lourve Video". Artnet, 18 June 2018.

Joyce Chen. "Beyonce and the Illuminati: Music's most WTF Conspiracy Theories, Explained". Rolling Stone.

Sophie Jane Evans. "Bey-zarre: The Most Ridiculous Beyonce Conspiracy Theories

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